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In addition to our construction and renovation services, we also provide office reinstatement and moving services that is quick, hassle-free and convenient.
We understand that moving offices can be a tedious process and we aim to ensure you are able to leave your old premise back to its original condition as required.
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in any of our services.
With our extensive years of experience reinstating and renovating offices, we understand the processes required to ensure that your previous premise will be reinstated according to the requirements of your landlord and building management prior to handover. The scope of our services include but not limited to:
- Free site survey and consultation
Liaising and coordination with building management
Removal of existing partition walls and ceilings
Removal of existing floor finishes
Reinstatement of ceiling
Reinstatement of all existing electrical, ACMV, and firefighting services
Painting to existing walls
Reinstatement of existing floors
Packaging and moving items to new premise

Canggih Kilat Sdn Bhd @ 2022